Sunday, May 5, 2013

Again After a While, or Be Who You Are - That's Real Joy!

I haven't written for long.

I didn't do it because I was lazy, and I had a really difficult time. Now too many things have changed, and I think I can see and understand much more than I used to.

Actually, I don't believe anymore that it is possible to live all your life so, every day had at least small joy. I think, you should have long periods of depression, so nothing could make you smile these days. Otherwise all your life will seem to be similar. You won't feel joy as much as you could if you had troubles and were depressed.

Actually, I started this blog hoping I can change everything in my life just writing about joy and trying to find good things every day of my life. Well, it didn't help much. Do you know what really helped? I changed almost everything in my life! I changed the place of living, the people I live with, friends, comerades, job, and what I do for a living. In addition I fell in love, and faced a lot of difficulties connected with it. I bought my own room, and now going to move there. This all didn't happen at once. I left my parents in the summer 2010. Now it's almost summer 2013. During this time I have changed the place of living for three times, and job for four or five times. I broke a lot of stereotypes in my mind, and allowed me to stop living 'comme il faut' but to live that kind of life I want and enjoy myself - being who I am.

This is real joy to enjoy who you are no matter what other people think. Because if you try to be what other people want, you live not your life, and it actually becomes all for nothing then.
I was religious because it seemed to me to be good for a guy. But I didn't want to go to church.
I was trying to be good for other people. But I wanted to do some things the society of the village would not support.I was ready to be a teacher because my parents wanted. But I did want to make sites, optimize them for search engines, and advertize them.

I didn't take one thing into account - I LIVE THE LIFE FOR MYSELF!!!

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